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CEOP Prospectus Term Dates

Winning House Team

Winning House Team

Year 2


In Year 2 we enjoy learning and finding out new things about our wonderful world. We grow in independence and we love challenges. We are resilient, we try our best and we have positive, growth mindsets. We love learning from our mistakes and shining all day!



We start our year enjoying lots of narratives, getting arty with printing and exploring how school has changed in South Milford. In Spring, we will be learning about living things and their habitats and we will be developing our computing coding skills. In the Summer term, we will be finding out about explorers before focusing on alternative versions of traditional stories and fairytales. This builds on our understanding of traditional stories from Year 1! We will also be developing our DT skills with pizza making and moon buggy creations.




  • Reading: Regular reading, recorded in your reading record. Please bring this daily. 
  • Numbots: As regularly as possible, we would encourage children to access this daily for at least 5 minutes. Later in the year the children will be introduced to TT Rockstars
  • Spelling Shed is an app allowing your children to practise the spelling patterns we are learning in class, you will be given a login for this when your child has finished the RWI programme


PE Days

Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays.


However, we like to ensure the children are always prepared. Please ensure that all PE clothes are named and the children have the correct clothes with them for inside and outside.


Useful websites



All the children have a Numbots account which we would encourage them to access for at least 5 minutes each day to develop their knowledge of key number facts. Later in the year, the children will be moved on to Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) to practise multiplication facts too.



Topmarks has a wealth of resources and games to access. Please explore the ‘Key Stage 1’ games.


BBC Supermovers:

We use BBC Supermovers and GoNoodle frequently in class, offering the children active brain breaks and opportunities to learn. 



Year Two Curriculum
