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Free School Meals

Free School Meals


North Yorkshire have introduced a new system to claim for free school meals. Please see the below information provided to us:

With many families facing financial hardship as the cost of living increases, we are doing all that we can to ensure that every family that is eligible to claim Free School Meals (FSM) for their child is benefiting from this additional help.

With this in mind we have made it easier for parents to apply for a free school meal.

Our new application process means that all applications are now made electronically. In just a few simple steps and a matter of minutes parents will receive an instant decision on whether their application has been successful.


Better for schools and better for parents


  •        The new FSM application process is much faster, providing an instant decision to applicants

  •        Less hassle – the new system means that no paperwork or printers are required – all applications are now made electronically

  •        Accessibility for the entire school community - all applications can be translated into any language via Google translate

  •        Cheaper for schools – we are pleased to announce we will no longer be charging schools for unsuccessful applications


The new application process is now live and can be accessed immediately here: Synergy - Enquiry (


We’ve created the attached step-by-step guide for you to share directly with parents who may wish to apply for free school meals.  


