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CEOP Prospectus Term Dates

Winning House Team

Winning House Team

Year 6

Meet the Year Six Team


We are ready to take on the challenge of life in Year 6. We are determined to be resilient learners, understanding that we can learn from our mistakes and that from hard work can come excellent results. Our classroom is purposeful, but it is also lots of fun! We are a fantastic community – we support each other and help each other to grow and shine.



In maths we will be focusing on consolidating our understanding of number and the four operations from previous years’ learning.  We will develop our use of efficient written methods for each.  We will learn how to multiply and divide fractions and work confidently with percentages.  A large part of our maths this year will be concerned with solving problems in maths and being able to explain our reasoning when reaching a solution.


In English we are going to expand our reading repertoire this year and study some excellent texts in guided reading.  Throughout the year we will produce quality written work, linked to our learning, matched to several different text types: report writing, myths and legends, suspenseful stories, discussion texts and explanatory texts to name a few.


Science will build on previous knowledge in electricity, light and animals including humans.  We will also learn about microorganisms and adaptation and evolution.


In history this year, we will be exploring World War Two, understanding key events and causes of change, and where it fits into the whole British history timeline.  We will look at different perspectives of key events and people and understand why evidence must be explored with care.  At the end of the unit, we aim to understand how this period in history impacted on the people and places in our world today.  Later in the year we will study migration - the people, the places and the circumstances that cause people to migrate. 

Geography will be linked to learning in other subjects, especially the humanities, and discrete units will focus on learning about North America and natural disasters. During term two, we will be learning about specific environments and how this is linked to adaptation of species in science.


We set homework each Friday to be completed by the following Friday.

This will be set on Google classroom and will include:

  • TTRS - We strongly recommend that children practise Timestables Rock Stars as regularly as possible please.
  • Reading to an adult and Reading Plus.  Home reading can be recorded in reading records.  We ask for at least three reads at home per week, although daily reading would be ideal.


  • In school: Reading Plus two times a week.  Guided reading 4 x weekly and daily story time.  Reading for pleasure x 2 per week.  Library visit every fortnight (reading for pleasure)
  • At home: 1 Reading Plus at least per week, record other home reading in the reading record.
  • Reading for pleasure (in school and at home) - can be re-reading a favourite text, following instructions to make something, reading comics and magazines etc.


PE Days

We strongly believe in Year Six that sport and exercise are good for both body and mind. PE covers outdoor sports such as football, hockey and athletics, with dance and gymnastics indoors.

Our usual PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays.  However, we do like to make sure the children are prepared, just in case the timetable changes, so PE kit should be brought in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday.   

Useful websites

BBC Supermovers

We believe that an active class is a thinking class and use Go Noodle and BBC Supermovers as this allows us to be active more frequently, while still focusing on our learning. We link this movement to key areas within the curriculum and specifically the recall of multiples!

Hit the Button

Hit the Button has been a huge hit with Instant Recall facts! Give it a go. It’s loads of fun. Moving digit cards is a great way to understand X and ÷ by 10, 100 and 1000 and can also be found on this website.

Maths is Fun

The zoomable number line shows children what decimal numbers look like and what lies between integers. It is a fantastic visual resource.

Moving Digit Cards - 7-14 year olds - Topmarks

Use this fantastic resource to see what happens when you multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.

World War Two (WW2) for Kids (



Year 6 Curriculum Document
