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Sport Premium

PE and Sport Premium 


At South Milford Primary School we promote the participation and enjoyment of PE and sport for every child in school. We work hard to provide high quality physical education (PE) lessons and extra-curricular activities.

As a school, through our commitment and desire to improve extracurricular opportunities, we have increased the level of participation of pupils who have previously not engaged in physical activities. In addition, we have continued to increase the level of participation in competitive sport, leading to many successes and victories.


Our school is a member of the ‘Sherburn Sports Partnership’. The Partnership enables a network of schools to work collaboratively, including local primary schools and our feeder Secondary School. Through this partnership we have access to a fixture calendar, including local competitions, county competitions and continuing professional development for staff across the partnership.


What is the PE and Sport Premium?

This year the government has increased funding in schools to enhance and improve the provision of physical education (PE), sport and pupil well-being in primary schools.                                                            

For the Academic Year 2021-22 South Milford Primary School will receive a lump sum of:  £17,920.

The figure is made up of a lump sum of £16,000 plus £10 per child.


How do we intend to use the PE and Sport Premium?

  • Continuing to engage children in a range of PE across the school.

  • Pupils are given the opportunity to take part in level 1, 2 and 3 competitions. Fostering our sporting stars of the future.

  • Enhancing staff training to ensure quality first teaching.

  • Providing extra-curricular provision to promote active and healthy lifestyles with a focus on healthy bodies and healthy minds.

We use the funding to ensure that pupils of all abilities recognise the enjoyment and health benefits of sport; providing them with an opportunity to take part in a wide variety of different sporting skills beyond mainstream. In addition funding will be used to promote and provide opportunities for the most able to have access to high quality competition.


Sports Premium 2022-2023

Sport Premium Spending 20/21
