Why have Houses?
We feel the children benefit from being members of mixed age school teams. It helps develop opportunities for year groups to work together, encourages children to support each one another, it gives the children a strong sense of responsibility and belonging and provides them with a range of additional activities to take part in.
How many House Teams are there?
There are six houses (red, blue, orange, yellow, purple and green) with balanced numbers of boys and girls and numbers from each year group. Family members are in the same house. All staff, excluding the headteacher and office staff, are assigned to a team.
When is the house system used?
There is a house point system with a cup awarded every half term. It is also used on Sports Day. There is a meeting of houses every half term, led by one of the teachers and the house captains.
How are the houses managed?
Each house has two house captains from Y6 who wear a special badge to let everyone know they are the captains. Children put themselves forward and are elected by the members of their house. There is a house board in the hall, a house colour and a house cup. A teacher leads each house.
How do children get house points?
Children can be allocated team points by any member of staff (in the form of a colour token) for kindness, excellent behaviour, great work, helpfulness, being brave etc. On Friday, the tokens from each class are counted and the winners announced in oiur Shining Star assembly (though not the actual number or who was 2nd, 3rd and 4th as we want to build suspense to the winning team at the end of the half term). The winning colour team will have their colour cloth, ribbons on a cup and team photograph on display in the hall that week.
How does a house win the house cup?
At the end of each half term, points are totalled and the winning house is awarded the cup in our Shining Star assembly. They will also have an afternoon off timetable and will receive a house treat - this may be watching a film, taking part in a sports activity, baking or another treat decided upon by the House Captains and the staff team members.