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Children who have a Special Educational Need


There are 4 areas of need according to the 2014 Code of Practice:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Mental and Emotional  health
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs 


Children who have a Special Educational needs may present as having one or more of the above areas of need as outlined by the Code of Practice (see below).



Please find below our SEN Report and the Local Offer for our School.  


By reading these you will find out how we support all our pupils throughout their time at South Milford Primary School.  It aims to provide you with frequently asked questions about our provision for our pupils, especially those who may have Special Education Needs.


If you have any queries about this, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Lawrence, our SEN co-ordinator.   Please contact Mrs Lawrence via or popping in to the school office to make an appointment.



North Yorkshire County Council have published their local offer for children and families from 0-25. This outlines what is available for children and young people with SEND in our Local Authority.

All schools are required to provide information to parents on how to seek additional support beyond that which is ‘normally available’ for their child.


The main aim of the local offer is to enable families to see readily the support they can expect locally without having to struggle to find the information. If there is any information that you would like to know that is not on the website then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Lawrence.


The North Yorkshire local offer can be found at:

Parents can also access SENDIASS – the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Services. The SENDIASS Coordinators can offer impartial advice and support which could include making a home visit to listen to any concerns you may have, or attend meetings with you. They may also be able to put you in touch with other organisations or parent support groups.


A SENDIASS Co-ordinator can be contacted through North Yorkshire on 0845 034 9469.

Useful contacts
Should you wish to further discuss any aspect of what you have read here please contact us via or alternatively telephone 01977 682359:


Mrs Melanie Lawrence  – Headteacher

Mrs Laura Ward – SEND Co-ordinator

Mrs Adrienne Burrow – SEND Governor


