South Milford Primary School’s ethos is “Shining Together”.
Physical Education plays a vital role in helping us to achieve this statement. Our vision for PE and Healthy Active Lifestyles is for all children to be able to relish taking part in physical activity in PE lessons, at after school clubs, during lunchtime activities, through learning and applying leadership skills and when participating in competitions/festivals. Our high-quality Physical Education provision is developed further through the extra-curricular clubs and sports we offer.
PE Curriculum
All pupils at South Milford Primary School will reap the benefits of a Physical Education curriculum which encourages all children to participate in exercise, sport, team games and any other physically demanding activities. It will offer all pupils the opportunity to develop their understanding of health, fitness and their knowledge of physical skills. Through participation with sport and games at varying levels, children will have opportunities to embed qualities such as determination, perseverance, respect and fairness.
Profile of Sport
We have worked hard to raise the profile of sport and participation levels within curriculum and extra-curricular physical activity. We have focussed on those children not naturally drawn to sport and a high proportion of these children have now participated in a sporting competition/festival. In addition to this, we foster those children who have a true passion/talent for sport and those who demonstrate this by being involved in the wider sporting life of the school and allowing them to compete at higher level competitions. This is accomplished through participation in cluster/district events. Our teams have proudly represented Selby district and competed in the county finals in a range of sports resulting in wins and high scores.
Sporting Opportunities
Pupils are inspired through an exciting, engaging curriculum. Many opportunities are provided for children to feel motivated and involved in sport in both curriculum time and extra-curriculum activities.
Bespoke clubs include: tchoukball, archery, fencing, yoga and street dance. Games including: football, netball, hockey, golf, cross-country, rounders and cricket as well as individual opportunities: cross-country, golf and sports-hall athletics.
Furthermore, during weeks dedicated to sport, new opportunities have been provided for the children to try and test a range of sporting activities. Children have participated in wheelchair basketball, Bollywood dancing, dodgeball, football skills and dance facilitated by Urban Strides! The teachers were up skilled and pupils enjoyed learning the rules/skills associated with these activities.
Competitive sport
Competitive sport is a fundamental part of life at South Milford Primary School. In key stage 1 children are selected to compete in cluster competitions in bean bag rounders, cross country and multi skills. In key stage 2, we aim for every child to take part in at least one sporting competition and staff are vigilant when recognising talent in specific pupils. Sporting skills are fostered during PE lessons and through a wide and varied extra-curricular clubs programme delivered before and after school. Strong links are made with community and external providers and both teachers/teaching assistants enjoy leading sporting clubs. The children’s accomplishments for participation and successes are celebrated in the ‘shining star’ assembly and through a sportsperson of the year and weekly achievement awards.
Sherburn Cluster
South Milford Primary School is part of the Sherburn Cluster which plans competition/festivals for over 45 primary schools. This gives us the regular opportunity to compete in inter school competitions and make use of quality venues. Sport events that take place: multi-skills, rounders, football, athletics, hockey, swimming, basketball, netball, rugby, cricket and golf. We regularly attend these events and display quality sportsmanship.
Fit 4 Five
The Government's 30:30 Programme
At South Milford we support the government's 30:30 programme, aimed at children engaging in a minimum of 30 minutes physical activity at school, and 30 minutes a day at home. As part of our whole school practice children engage with 'Fit 4 Five' activities through using Go Noodle, BBC Supermovers and physical exercise 'breaks' throughout the school day in lessons. Our sports leaders encourage their peers to engage in physically active games during lunch and break, through organising games and providing support and equipment. We also offer a wide range of sporting and active clubs during and after the school day.
Sports Leaders Programme
In Key stage 2 we promote a ‘Sports Leaders’ programme supporting our ‘leaders at all levels’ initiative. The pupils are encouraged to plan and deliver a 15 minute sporting activity to a group of children during break times.
To meet our Sports Leaders and to see what they have been doing follow this link: