Break the Rules Day
To help us raise money for school funds our PTA have organised some Break the Rules days. The children decided which rules they would like to break and made a contribution for each rule broken!
We are impressed with the total raised so far which is £1553!
Comic Relief Day March 2021
Lots of laughs were had during our joke-a-thon!
This year to celebrate comic relief we have been sharing jokes, in our classes, throughout the week. Each class then voted on their three favourites which we shared in our shining star assembly on Friday.
We have raised an amazing £250 and had lots of fun sharing jokes throughout the week.
A huge thank you and well done to everyone!
Science Week 2021
Science week was excellent! It was amazing to see the whole school excited about being engaged in learning about different areas of science.
Reception and Key Stage 1 were investigating colour and completed experiments to find out about chromatography, colour mixing, camouflage and light.
Year 3 and 4 were investigating oceans, finding out about forces which act on floating vessels, the water cycle and pollution.
Year 5 and 6 were investigating the way that sounds can be made, explaining changes in pitch and volume. They were also studying the way sound travels through solids, air and liquids and designing tests to explore this.
World Book Week 2021
We had an amazing whole school themed ‘Big Bad Wolf’ World Book Week. There were lots of ‘wolfy’ antics in homelearning and key worker provision this week - from the crazy ‘Wolf on Trial’ show to many different wolf-related stories, shared with the children, and in some cases, written by the children. We all began the week by looking at ‘The True Story of the Little Pigs’, written by Jon Scieszka before the whole school community remotely watched the ‘interactive’ Wolf on trial recorded show. Some of our KS1 children learnt to howl like a wolf and were drawing and labelling the houses belonging to the Three Little Pigs and in KS2 there was a football spin, with the children writing about the wolf on the pitch! ‘The Masked Reader’ sparked much interest, with each class having a recording of school staff, in disguise, reading stories aloud for the children to guess the identify! On Wellbeing Wednesday we asked children to walk around South Milford to spot the window displays in each other’s homes, which the children were asked to create based around one of their favourite books.
Thanks for joining in with Book Week everyone and keep reading!
Christmas comes to SMPS
This year we had a week of sparkling celebrations to get us into the festive spirit. On Monday we began with each class bubble a Christmas Assemblies where our families virtually joined us for our performances. These were also recorded and also shared on our google classrooms for our children and families to watch again at home. Thursday evening was special as each bubble held a film night. The children in EYFS and KS1 loved coming back to school in their PJ’s and everyone enjoyed the hot dog, films and a treat! On Friday instead of the whole school going to the theatre to watch the pantomime, the pantomime came to us. Oh no it didn’t! Oh yes it did. All of the children (and the adults too!) enjoyed watching Jack and The Beanstalk and were thankful to the PTA for providing the treats as well. We had fun eating our Christmas lunch, wearing our Christmas Jumpers before having fun at our class parties in the afternoon. There was even time for a special visitor!
Pudsey Bear and Children In Need 2020
To support Children In Need this year, although quieter than other years, we had a non-uniform day where we wore bright colours or Pudsey merchandise for a donation. We are very pleased to tell you that we raised £213.80. Thank you to everyone for your generosity.
This week we have spent lots of time celebrating the way that people can be different. We began on Monday, wearing our odd socks, and finished the week with a whole school virtual assembly, where each class had the opportunity to showcase some of their learning. Classes have talked together about the importance of treating others with respect, considered how to include everybody and what to do if we see someone who is in need of help. The children have created kindness stars for display and thought carefully about the people in their lives who they could turn to for support.