Welcome to Year 1
Year 1 is an exciting year for the children which is full of fun and learning. Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon, and extends, the experiences that children have had in Reception. Learning through play continues to be an important part of the school day, and the children will gradually be eased into more formal learning as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners.
We began year 1 with a pirate theme before moving onto learning about homes and how they have changed over time. In art we are studying the artist Yayoi Kusama with all her polka dots! In the second part of the Autumn Term we will be finding out about Everyday Materials and The Gunpowder Plot.
In the spring term we will be researching different animals and using our DT textiles skills to make puppets. Finally in the Summer Term our focus will be discovering how plants grow and finding out all about our local area.
Reading: Books will be sent home on a Friday that support the phonics they are learning at school. Please encourage your child to read this book with an adult at home - we find a short daily read works well with the younger children to hold there interest but also understand this is not always possible. Please can these books be returned the following Friday. Unfortunately we will not be able to allocate a new book until it has been returned.
Maths: All children have an access code to our online Numbots Game account where we encourage children to log on to practise the recall of key number facts.
The children have weekly PE, on Wednesday and Friday.
PE kits should be left on your child’s peg throughout the week and taken home at weekends to wash.
Oxford Owl for School and Home
Oxford Owl is a free website built to support you with your child’s learning. You’ll find age specific reading and maths tips and activities, eBooks, and lots of fun ideas to really bring your child’s learning to life. You will also find support and advice on a range of questions you may have – including helping your child with their phonics, motivating your child to read and ensuring your child is doing their best in maths.
Here you will find lots of phonic games and ideas to explore with children at home.
Here you will find games to support phonics knowledge and reading. The children can play this on both a computer and tablet.
Your child has an account where they can practise the recall of number facts and their fluency of mental addition and subtraction.