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Winning House Team

Winning House Team

Uniform Information

We have high expectations in all aspects of school life and this begins with how our children are presented. We want children to look smart and to be proud of their school.


• Navy trousers/shorts/skirt

• White polo shirt – logo optional

• Sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo

• Black, grey or white socks or tights

• Black school shoes (not trainers)

• Optional blue checked summer dress




Book bags and PE kit bags are all available with the school logo which can be purchased from our uniform suppliers.

PE kit bags are available from the school office.


PE kit

• White T-shirt

• Black shorts

• Pumps/trainers


Children can wear tracksuits for outdoor PE during cold weather.


PE kit should be kept in school during the week and taken home for washing on a Friday. Children may only wear football kits for after school clubs such as football.

Jewellery and Make-up

For safety reasons no jewellery should be worn in school, with the exception of watches. If ears are pierced, only stud earings must be worn, but they must be removed or covered with plasters/tape by the child for PE. Nail polish or make-up of any kind is not allowed. If worn children will be asked to remove it


Children’s hair should be neat and tidy at all times. Children with long hair are required to wear it tied back for reasons of health and safety (e.g. in PE lessons) to prevent it from distracting their vision and to help prevent the spread of head lice. Hair bands/bobbles must be small and in school colours. Children are not allowed to wear elaborate hair decoration or other styles of a generally inappropriate nature for school (e.g. unnaturally coloured or with shaved lines or symbols.)

Lost Property

All unclaimed and unnamed items of lost property are disposed of or donated to charity at the end of every term. The school accepts no responsibility for items that are lost or damaged in school unless it can be proved that the damage has been caused wilfully and deliberately.

Uniform Suppliers

Our uniform with the school logo are supplied by APC at Tadcaster, Fivestar Design and Embroidery and


Please follow the links below -

Fivestar Design & Embroidery order form
