At South Milford, we understand the importance and benefits of Music for everyone. Not only is music a universal language, but it allows the children to explore their emotions, enhance their communication skills and improve their social skills. As if that wasn’t enough, Music can also have a great effect on the learning of other subjects, including English and Maths, and offer a great sense of achievement.
To ensure the children receive these fantastic benefits, here at South Milford we strive to offer a broad music curriculum which builds on skills as the children move through school. The National Curriculum is taught through a range of methods including Charanga, which is a fantastic scheme that encourages mastery in music. Through a learning spiral, children can both establish previously learnt new musical skills and concepts, whilst developing new ones. It covers objectives including:
Listening to and appraising music (answering questions and understanding the features),
Singing and using voices,
Composing music,
Exploring how music is created and can be performed using the musical elements (pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and notation)
As well as learning in the classroom, we practise performing together during weekly singing assemblies, and regularly perform to the community. We gain a broad listening and understanding of a wide range of music from our ‘Music of the Week’ which is played as we come into assemblies alongside facts and information, and discovered further within the classrooms. One of our favourite times of the year is at Christmas when all the children commit to providing fantastic entertainment through our KS1 and KS2 productions. This passion and drive is replicated through whole school productions at the end of the year.
Year 5 have the opportunity to choose a string instrument to learn during their whole class sessions, provided by North Yorkshire Music hub, and children can choose to have peripatetic lessons on many instruments.